hair holds memories and energy so my sister locs resigned

yes, i joined the bald baddies who are sent from the divine

It’s just me and my pink sparkly flip phone

I could never be controlled by a smartphone

I fought back with my pink sparkly flip phone

Fuck group think I do what I want on my own

I sat on my fire escape

Asking for help to get rid of my phone addiction case

I hated seeing my weekly screentime pace

Then I remembered my first phone in fifth grade

A slide-up flip phone that for months I lost

A flip phone a fraction of the smartphone cost

A phone with only the essential functions

A phone without endless subscriptions and app junctions

A smartphone is made for addiction

Social media CEOs don’t even let their kids use their own innovation

But nothing will stop our evolution

I’m starting a new tech revolution

It’s not about separating the good and bad

But making a path through which we won’t be so sad

See we’ve always had technology

Light, clean energy, and medicine can’t you see

Tech is meant to support humanity

Preventing a takeover is each person’s responsibility

Divine intervention prevents mars colonization

We would never last on another planet if we don’t transform oppression to socialization

So, let’s stay and put our resources to saving this world

Let’s heal all the destruction that makes me hurl

For we’re all stewards of this earth

I’m looking for my farmer who knows our mother’s worth

I’ll be the local midwife who looks after the town’s births

My heart holds a heart

I hold the faith that change is just a fresh start

It wasn’t easy just me and my pink sparkly flip phone

I had to learn to use my brain again after my dumb phone

Some people laughed at my pink sparkly smart phone

But now they see the healing I was doing on my own