not all my bffls

but they can choose

to post full pics

I’m the best bffl

I’ll be your ride or die even if we go to dante’s hell

Oh, you never asked me to take a bullet for you?

Well, if you don’t like it, I’ll aim at our friendship and go pew pew


I’m the worst bffl

I’ll isolate as soon as my anxiety and depression ring the bell

I’ll ignore calls and texts no matter how hard you try

I kept my past suicidal ideation to myself, oh my!


I’m the best bffl can’t you see?

In the past, I never left the obsessed friend stage like in elementary

We’re of the same feather who flock together to sing

Friendship is the purest love, darling

That’s why I was more dependent on friendly that romantic love

No strings attached, no puppet master above

Just girly pops having each other’s backs when push comes to shove


My left arm holds a heart to witness when I sneeze

I’ll always be a hopeful friend and lover who’ll wear it on my sleeve


To my bffl who chose her bf over a couch for me

I wish you remembered when I saved you from suicidality


To my bffl on a boy ball and chain

I canceled your birthday trip because I was in pain

For your man, I’m at a loss that they’ll always gain

I know you’ll have a great side gig as a stylist

I always admired how you always pick the best fit


To my bffl whose makeup skills are of an Egyptian goddess

Continue being a makeup artist and make others the most stylish


To my trio bffls from johnSSS hopkinSSS

Will you be the fairy godmothers to my children?


To my glinda who felt unsafe around me

I had no choice but to kick our friendship out

I hope you’re happy

I won’t tolerate someone always withholding their true feelings behind their mouth


To my big sis bffl

I wish you offered me a one-night stay after the psych hospital

I’m not sure if you would have watched me be homeless

I need a break from our friendship even as you’re filled with goodness


To my bffl in law school

Pass the bar and please be my lawyer because U know how to catch a fool


To my birthday bffl bestie

Please be my publicist you’re my cancer twin smartie


To my bffl who gave birth to me at 4:13 am

Please be my momager and clear a bad opportunity as you see ‘em


To those reading don’t get it twisted

My bffls can say lots about me

I’ve done my fair share to leave them pissed

Forgive me in your own time for my friendship sins  


What does it mean to be a bffl?

We go through rough times individually

We communicate in rough friendship times to succeed

With a bffl, disappointment is not a worry

I accept that I’m both the best and worst bffl

We’ll grow together even when we take Ls

It’s deep, truthful friendships from here on

If you want superficial, try someone else to con