I’m not your leader just the one who plants the seed

Mariama Zahara Morray

For Ms Charlotte Astrology & all the people who’ve been called woo woo

Well in curio, craft,& conjure, it’s not woo woo but woo real

  • Birthday: June 23, 2000

  • Birth Time: 0413

  • Birth Place: Milwaukee, WI

To the dykes, of course a gender-idfc lesbian was going to plant the seed of revolution. For all my queer siblings, we get annoyed with each other and we’re fucked up but hey every family is, right? To my LGBTQ+ elders, I thank my village for raising the revolution


  • Gender Identity: idrc

  • Pronouns: any

    • What does that mean? The pronouns you use for me are simply a reflection of how you have digested the assumptions the world spoon-fed you. Those pronouns are not a reflection of how I see myself. It’s not about roaming aimlessly between the binary, but claiming the fuck out of who you are and shattering gender’s hold on you. For the young ones, it’s about looking at the menu, rejecting the hetero (are you a provider/soft life) beef, fighting both the man and the bear, and cooking your own delicious food like Sydney. And never forget that the most important ingredient is love <3

  • Height: 5’3” lol

  • Nationality: USA

  • Ethnicity: Sierra Leone & Liberia

My professors that prepared me for this moment

  • Zen Buddhist Temple in Manhattan (it’s time for my lotus to bloom)

  • Lana from the Hawk &I (i’m doing the best i can with everything you taught me <3)

  • Lexi the Leo

  • Maddie Dragsbaek

  • Antphrodite

  • Katherout

  • Hippiehailey11 (hi, strawberriiiieeeeeeeeeeeeessss)

  • Jade Fox

  • Alina Align

  • Lamarr Townsend

  • Nowthisisliving (to becca, i see your bravery is in your vulnerability)

  • Sloan Bella

  • Trinity Oracles

  • Tee Noir

  • Bianca Tarot

  • Jkiillem

  • Tarot Yogi

  • Herby Revolus

  • Lotty Luxe

  • Amber’s closet (so when is your campaign for office again?)

  • Wisdom & Light Tarot

  • Khadija Mbowe

  • Tarot Wit’ Tay

  • Lavendaire

  • That Divination Witch

  • Ellie Lee

  • Fab Socialism

  • Adella Afadi

  • White Feather Tarot

  • Ziwe

  • Kino Tarot

  • Salem Tovar

  • Eso Tarot

  • Olurinatti

  • Kimoya-speaks-love

  • Tiffanyferg

  • The Hermit Tarot

  • amandamaryanna

  • Heavenwhispers25

  • Michelle Phan

  • SunBurst Tarot

  • Sade’s Tarot Tea

  • Heights Meditation & Yoga (a true advanced yogi is one who releases the ego ;)

Trust your gut when it comes to a spiritualist and you will never be guided wrong. Sometimes God shows them a warning to channel so we can have a happy ending :)

a lot about little ‘ol me

I dedicate my executive branch to Claudia De La Cruz y Karina Garcia, badass women who trust their gut and are never afraid to take a chance

I dedicate this revolution to the children of the world who all adults should turn their listening ears up for the world to advance

You’re probably wondering who wrote the lyrics that are heaven to hear

Me llamo Mariama Zahara Morray and I was a nanny for two years

Pretty Please turn up your listening ears

Bitches wake up and check God’s alarm clock because the worldwide revolution is here

I worked as a community health and school nurse but for the people I put in my resignation

Because my next side quest had an activation

Don’t worry my main plot is still being a midwife, seeing life enter this earth makes me so elated

August 2026 my doctorate degree will be dated

So, stress no more

Because what I’m about to say will shake everyone to the core

I’ve fed my soul well so I can share my love for the world

For my family who doesn’t yet know about my sexuality

It wasn’t the right time to share my story

And before Lesbian Tumblr washes up speculations with their suds

I’ll be quick and nip the hottest rumor in the bud

Of course I’m #femme4butch & #femme4stud <3

Sugar, if you want to kill yourself, bless your heart now’s not the right time

Honey, I need all God’s strongest solders to rise

My military won’t be as destructive as the USA

Our mission is simple to transform two incredibly powerful dictators, okay?

colonialism and imperialism, that’s right, Count Your Days.

Damn double homicide

But you didn’t listen when God told you two to run and hide?

I keep my circle tight

I'll always look out for my soul tribe, that's damn right

So, if you have my number or email, don’t even bother

Both have already been closed and changed

I’m not only faster but smarter

I’m a daddy’s girl so I listened to what he proclaimed

I’ll work twice as hard to ascend this world infinitely far

It’s time to listen to those who speak truth about mental health. It’s NORMAL to be horribly depressed or anxious in our current state of society. It’s NORMAL to constantly daydream or dissociate to escape this nightmare that is our current reality. We’re ALL empaths when we connect back with our body and the earth. It’s time for scientists and spiritualists to come together and integrate their gifts to support our world.