But he’s your brother, mom I don’t give a fuck!
But he’s your brother, dad I know I have the worst luck .
But he’s your brother, but what about me?
It’s always respect your elders, but aren’t they supposed to care for their young as a good mentor?
Aren’t elders supposed to set the example?
Aren’t elders supposed to pave an easier way for those who come after?
But my elder brother felt more like a younger one
And I tried to give him advice but at one point, I was so fucking done
You know when they said not to go below the belt they meant emotionally too?
Because I won’t be your punching bag anymore when you feel blue
I didn’t pick up your calls
I changed the amazon password
I will put my peace first
Because it felt like you would gladly watch the world burn if it meant that you weren’t alone in your suffering
You have the best luck but you act like you’re cursed
But what about when you outed me to mom and dad?
You didn’t even care how it would make me feel
You used my sexuality as a weapon of steel
But what about when you ran away from home? No not the first time, the second
The first time, you jumped out of your second story window just to run away from anyone holding you accountable
The second time, we chased you through downtown Holly Springs in flip flops until we were no longer able
Screaming and pleading for you to stop running
And when we lost you I cried thinking you were gone forever, forever missing
But you came back all right
Not even 12 hours later but that same night
Didn’t even care to ask for forgiveness and pout
You didn’t say anything as you got the keys and took your car to cookout
But what about when you and dad almost got in a fist fight
Y’all would have thrown hands if mom hadn’t stood between you two like a guiding light
But what about the third time you dropped out of college
Dad said it’s okay if you don’t want to be there
We could have gotten that semester tuition back if you’d given the heads up so you could take a break from life to catch some air
But what about when you told me that it was okay when I was bi but not okay now that I’m a lesbian
Because now that I’m a lesbian, there’s no chance I’d end up with a cis man
And when we sat in waffle house, I told you that you’d never get an invite to my wedding because when it comes to homophobia I’m not playing
But what about when you punched holes in the walls?
We couldn’t move from Chicago until your door got fixed after dad made a few calls
But he’s your brother, mom his evolution is not my responsibility
But he’s your brother, dad it’s up to him to be free
Lexi told me we’re teachers to each other in every lifetime
She’s also a Leo and said that before we came to earth we made a promise to help heal this family big time
So will you teach me?
So will you help heal this traumatized family with me?
Your personality can be so extreme, but it’s taught me a few lessons that could make us a good team
You’re so stubborn and you won’t stop until you succeed
All your life you heard that 1 in 10,000 go pro
But you never listened to their doubts because you knew you had what it took to score the goal
And I’m so sorry that your mental health makes you feel so down
I can’t wait to see you smiling as your head holds the crown
You didn’t come this far just to suffer
You’ll take it all the way to soar
Bashirr Sulaiman Morray, the stadium will roar
And I hope you tell your story
Tarot by Bianca says you’re meant to be a great speaker, trust me
Don’t let anyone distract you from your destiny
I hope you teach all those little black boys to stand in their authenticity
That black boy joy is not a slogan put on T-shirts to make money
I hope you teach all the boys and men to put their mental health first
That their value will never lie in their looks or cars or net worth
That their value lies in their evolution
That when women say “I hate all men” it’s because they’re tired of screaming about the solution
And that solution starts with accountability
When you tell your homies to not to catcall a girl, that’s integrity
When you admit your wrongs, that’s honesty
When you listen to the first no, that’s safety
When your actions align with your words, that’s dependability
When you strive to be your highest self, that’s divinity
If you feel scared, that’s okay
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and put your faith in the almighty
But he’s your brother, and I wouldn’t have it any other way
He’s my brother so fuck what the haters say
He’s my brother and we’ll protect each other until we’re both six feet in the grave
for my brother, a semicolon with a heart is held on my right wrist
we’re both survivors who’ll KO intergenerational trauma with our fists