Twelve Days of Revolution
Twelve Days of Revolution
On the first day of revolution, ask one homeless person if there is something you can do to help
I’ve never met a homeless person who ever asked for more than what they needed. I’ve never met anyone who was going through a rough time and was ungrateful for help.
i left a fantasy on valentine’s day:
my diaries from my early twenties
valentine’s day is my favorite holiday
but i was sad this year because i left my valentine’s week fantasy
i began the revolution not by fighting but by showing that accepting all of who you are will make history
even though, the real world is messed up except for a few
i let go of my fears and chose to begin anew
midwives know that birthing people will lead the revolution
Yours truly is starting the purge
The age of Aquarius has awoken everyone’s urge
To eat the rich and go back for seconds and thirds
Gen X thinks it’s just new Gen Z slang that has emerged
I’m sad watching adults make fun of Gen Alpha kids who don’t know how to read
Little do they know Gen Z is throwing it back to textbook French revolution history
Boomers throw a workplace fit because we don’t dream of labor
They’re so busy looking down at us they never looked up to see their greatest elder
It was Baldwin who caught the phrase but Gen Z threw it to the internet league so the baseball could go major
I’m tired of hearing adults bully Gen Alpha kids addicted to their tablets
Always talking about healing your inner child but forget the children of the present?
Oh, the places Gen Alpha will go
They’ll heal the world just let them steal the show
They’ll make Gen Z look like the bar was so low
They’re the Apple of Gen Z’s eye
We see how high Gen Alpha will fly
Their listening ears are off for every one of society’s lies
So young in a pandemic with zoom classrooms
So young and already been through so much trauma and gloom
In Buddhism, they teach that in the garbage pile, the lotus will always bloom
So, when you see their parents stressed just know that they’re doing their best
The world crumbled and left Millennials one hell of a mess
Gen Z is quick to picket
But we must fight for Millennials who were deceived by the golden ticket
Just like the little blueberry girl, they made their way into the chocolate factory
Anyone who was obedient was promised the sweetest candy
So, if you see them zoom in and lose their cool
Just know it’s because they followed Buzzfeed’s recipe that promised the tastiest food
They believed in WHO so they kept their mask on to be oh so good
But in 2008, when they checked their grandma’s bed to make sure she didn’t choke on what she chewed
It’s a big bad wall street banker
And Millennials were little red riding hood
As we heal it becomes real that we take our foot off the necks of older generations who were never taught to feel
Reagan’s fireside chats instructed them to wrap their trauma in a pretty package with a big bow to seal
Us young ones see a president’s tweet before we run downstairs on Christmas morning and open too many presents all messy
We get to yell and scream and work it out in therapy
But age never stopped depression and anxiety
Battered veteran grandpas leave grandmas for heaven and asked the angels for wars no mo’
They look down to see on earth that she still gets so lost in her woes
In her mind, she disappears into past memories
And gets so happy when the phone rings because maybe someone will finally keep her company
But those scamming thieves try to trick her into thinking it’s her favorite grandkiddie
They call to say “Grandma, I’m in jail so get your wallet hastily”
“Send all your life savings quick and irreversibly”
Her story is so common
It’s all the rage, It’s all the trendy fashion
Our elders wear worn down vintage sadness
Just to see us on Facebook frolic in sunflower fields in our damn near free Shein dress
What’s the point in all this therapy if we don’t share our wealth with those born earlier on?
It’s okay if their eyes squint
It’s okay if they don’t get it
Because something so pure was meant to be blindingly bright
Just like Papa Pope said
In the face of darkness, you drag everyone into the light
Yours truly is starting the purge
The age of Aquarius has awoken everyone’s urge
To wear the white hat because we came out of quarantine to converge
For us to enjoy the earth as our inner monsters and an angel merge
Because we’ll honor the dark and the light as we emerge
This bright sermon today came from a nurse’s burntout revelations and women are about to take y’all to church
a final purge after 5 lessons
Yours truly had no choice but to start the purge
Pluto in Aquarius will awaken the rich’s urge
To give away all their excess money away in seconds and thirds
Gen Z slang came from a little black gay bird
My aunt teaches kids to read the banned books in store
My advisor taught me how to pitch this fast ball with Jean -Jacques Rousseau written on the whiteboard
Fuck a 40-hour work week, period purrrr
our parents escape reality but at night, they shiver from dreams of labor
Darling, James told us several times he doesn’t have a dream job and I always saluted my greatest elder
Baldwin caught the phrase but Gen Z tik-took it to a Chinese league so the algorithm would push it major
Gen Alpha kids dependent on their tablets but their souls want their minds to wander and be bored
I’m healing my inner child as I help pick the children’s addictions up like Legos off the floor
To their north node, Gen Alpha will go
Don’t get discouraged by Trump’s overproduced presidential reality show
The candles are ready on a birthday cake called destiny so close your eyes and make a wish before you blow
Wide open is my third eye
I know Gen Alpha are all lightworkers from way up high
I was their nanny so I turned their tv off oh my
but why the fuck did our phones livestream the Palestinian genocide
I rest in my divine feminine but I couldn’t live a soft life and turn on the tv to see the people oppressed
So I became an alpha to school you on life so get out of bed and put your cameras-on for this zoom
At the end of this lesson, Gen alpha will take pride in their trauma and gloom
My Buddhist teacher said that in the garbage pile, the lotus victoriously blooms
I see their parents tired but pushing through to be their best
The world crumbled again after COVID so let Millennials rest
Gen Z are you ready to stand and picket
Because we sat down as Millennials told the story time about the darkest ticket
As kids, they were forced into reagan’s economic factory
They were told the chocolate fountain would trickle down but even peace signs couldn’t disguise a false prophecy
So as adults, they shrugged their shoulders because they did the best that they could
And if it couldn’t get worse, the housing market crashed straight into their starter neighborhood
They had to choose between a shitty house or too expensive wedding from deep in the pinterest woods
Once upon a time, they tried to bankrupt wall street as we all should
They planted the seed so I could grow to be this good
Now, Gen Z will have a safer Hollywood crew
Because we retweeted when Millennials said #metoo
Now, we’ll all have a more harmonious music industry
I’m so proud that Cassie got out and told her story so the karma could begin for Diddy
Look around and appreciate how much older generations have healed
They’re unwrapping that trauma because it’s never too late to feel
We all should get our moment to be messy
Free, high quality healthcare for all to yell and scream and work it out in therapy
Together we will prevent all deaths of those who suffer from suicidality
My grandpa has been smiling down on my grandma from heaven since 6 years ago
She’s so brave to open up about her woes
That’s her partner in life and death so shut up as she talks about her memories
I get so happy as the phone rings
I get so happy to bask in that Karnack, Texas southern hospitality
Because those scamming thieves think they’re the only one with tricks
Together we build the smartest pig’s house with bricks
Getting older is so common
But all that plastic surgery freezes in time your evolution
Pose on the red carpet with re-worn clothes to fight overconsumption
Fuck therapy if we can’t patiently speak with our enemy
Sylvia knew the police’s eyes would squint
Marsha didn’t pay it no mind just because transphobes didn’t get it
With healing so pure, our clean energy will amass to a yottabyte
The hero supported the villain as he said
In the face of darkness, you drag everyone into the light
The people will finish the purge
Anthony got a peak of my ship coming but God kept the sweetest gift submerged
We must help others put their white hat back on when we converge
We can smile and hold the hands with billionaire monsters as we merge
Because when we love both the dark and the light we emerge
My sermon today comes from the diaries of my early twenties but we’re all children in God’s church
If I become a billionaire
You may not hear about it but all the signs would be there
Check your email and read that your medical debt disappeared
Those mountains of student loans would disintegrate into thin air
No one would identify with a party because who fucking cares
MLK dreamed so I’m putting it into a reality that we're all one human race committed to doing what’s fair
If I become a billionaire
You may not hear about it but all the signs would be there
Homelessness would be nothing to fear
No child would ever die from a school shooting because y’all will give up all guns to the police station near
Those shelters house angels whose purpose is to show society selfishness is not it
I live in New York city but I never got desensitized to that shit
If I become a billionaire
You may not hear about it but all the signs would be there
I was a nurse in the private schools so I could ensure equitable schools because the next generations deserve that level of care
No caregivers would make breakfast or lunch because the school has it for free right here
Parents keep your wallets closed because the uniforms, books, and school trips are completely covered
Teachers put your feet up and relax
I’m the principal who will make sure you have more than enough money and never worry about teaching kids the anti-racist facts
Want to keep schools safe? I’m sending the superintendents the money to hire more nurses immediately
Oh, you’re worried about the D-O-E? It’ll never go away T-R-U-S-T M-E
If you're rich, then hear this as a warning you'll heed
Please step right up and take the lead
Paying off the people's debt will skyrocket your popularity faster than lighting speed
In 2028 I’m voting for Claudia de la Cruz in the presidential election
For the PSL remember AOC said run for local office and spread divine innovation
Please never ask me to run for president
When the true power lies in the people she represents
When I need some corruption free news with my matcha brew
I go straight to YouTube and Watch the News from Breakthrough
When did everyone get so bougee
They make fun of Tubi
Back in my day, they would always say like a G
if it’s free, then it’s definitely for me
No Donald Trump will not be our last president
In physical history books, he'll be remembered as just the remnants of a misguided Cheeto on America’s finger print
Like Harriet, I’ve constructed the above ground railroad and as we walk look up and see how the stars shape constellations that show us to not let project 2025 consume our mind
Keep the faith that darkness could never win with God by your side
I’m one of many rainbow babies and this next phase of society will permanently stand
Welcome to project 2000
Our world will never go back
Because the current hell humans created on mother earth is beyond WACK
The internet will be our evidence that this scary bedtime story was indeed a fact
Our world will become our own heavenly paradise and we'll never feel trapped
We must not sit on our star seed hands and wait for a soul heaven-sent to return to walk among us
He's just fine relaxing with Gandhi and checking every once in a while, to see if we learn his lessons about what it means to be just
If the American government repeats what they did to Fred with their AK gear
If they assassinate me for all I say here
I pray the people channel Paul Revere
They'll ride their horses and yell so loud the powerful will have chills with fear
They'll vote everyone out of the white house, congress, and supreme court so the truth will appear crystal clear
The people are not dumb so they will only rise for the black national anthem and cheer
Poison our water with toxic metals and watch my prius drive right over the manufactured infertility speed bump in this divine year
Those high up in government may have a clue, my dear
I’m 24 and was born in the internet age so lean in close as I whisper allegedly in your ear
Because I don’t miss when I steer
I’m strong just like anyone whose sacrificed their normalcy for ourselves
The truth was never meant to collect dust on the shelves
Like I said, if I speak too much truth I repeat after Antphrodite, all alleged for entertainment purposes only
If social media hasn’t rotted your brain, maybe we can all work together to fix society
If your smartphone isn’t distracting you from your pain, I’m not really hiding from Michelle Obama who I humbly ask for assistance once she finds me
If you're rich, I’m saying to to do these things faster than the last time you peed
Any millionaire or billionaire step right up and take the lead
Paying off your worker bee’s debt will fill life-long stadiums faster than lighting speed
I’ll never become a billionaire because all my wealth is meant to share