We the People’s Purge

This is not a test

This is the last Emergency Broadcast System

Announcing the Commencement of a Heavenly Purge

Sanctioned by God who will show the way to all who want to surge

The bell has rung so sit your ass in your damn seats for a lesson about originality

I choose the bear and I’m cooking like Carmy

It was never about saying I got the ingredients no help no soul family

It was about taking the ingredients the earth shared with me to make this MasterChef recipe

No physical weapons will be needed for this one.

The deadliest weapon is the people’s power of revolution.

I pray to God for forgiveness for the way I cheered after Luigi’s execution

Brian will always be Kathy’s son

And don’t you dare ask any mother to forgive her child’s killer because death is not a human decision

I firmly believe Luigi is my soul brother

Our thinking has common ground but our actions differ

We’re not God’s puppets because we all have free will, yes sir

Luigi, will you let me shine as your sun if I embrace your shadow as my moon?

I would like to sit with you as we switch between being students and teachers

To all those behind bars, I pray to God you learn to celebrate a life-sentence of self-love, forgiveness, and evolution

Of course, I’m an abolitionist who won’t rest until every jail and prison becomes places for rehabilitation

Salute to my appointed fleet admiral, Olayemi Olurin

Together we’ll convert Riker’s from a prison to a place for refugee’s salvation

Eric, I’m instructing you to hand General Olurin your resignation

2+0+2+5 = 9

Don’t worry, we’ll all be just fine

The end of this deadly nightmare has been predicted by numerology

It’s the year of the snake and we’re shedding all demonic energy

Why should a good worker be scared of losing their jobs?

If your boss fires you, we have social media so you can tell the people about ‘em

For my final trick, I’m aiming to transform Elon, Jeff, and Mark’s careers

The people will throw the water so you know it’s divinely orchestrated to disintegrate ‘em

The corrupt should hide and find a safe place to temporarily go

Have your assistants stock up, don’t leave your home, and listen to my transformative poetry so you’ll soul will glow

Then the world will break a leg at your show

You could never be one step ahead of a psychic medium who reads tarot

I’m channeling Diana assassinated by a false queen for the divine power she possessed

She let me borrow her crown

Smile and wave to the second people’s princess

Stop searching for the medicine from things you can buy with your purse

Y’all should have known the world would be cured by a nurse

It’s already show time for part 2 because I’m the Wicked Witch from the Midwest born to lift the curse

"Haaaaaahhh! Hahhhhhhhh! Haaaaaahhhh! Woooooaaaaahhhh! Haahhhhhh! Wooooooohhh... Haaaaahhhhh! Haaaahhh... Oooooooohhhh! HAAAAAHHHH!!"

For the greedy, my poems will be your final test

Boo, no more evil is on the verge

Welcome to God’s Final Purge


If you love someone let them go and watch them soar


Spiritual Playboy Bunny