Notes on Revolution

A very wise taxi driver told me that planes begin to crash more frequently when the people are not fulfilling their destiny. We were not made to suffer but rather to soar. I want healing for all those on mother earth so badly. However, I learned that the best healing does not happen when I heal for others but when I create space for people to heal themselves. My healing takes many forms: connecting with my highest self, caring for someone as a nurse, speaking my truth, and endless more. My revolution was not about healing others but healing myself and learning from others. I now understand how systems and people suppress revolution. When I was learning to speak the truth, I was told to go inside the dollhouse, psychiatrically institutionalized, and asked to complete an administrative evaluation in order to return to school. tbh I enjoyed my grippy sock vacation lol, but I wished someone was there to give a spiritual perspective on my mind at the time. I’m so grateful for these lessons because through these experiences, I learned true liberation. My liberation was not being scared of any part of myself and taking off all masks. Fair warning: this world is not set up to be your most raw, pure, truthful sense but it doesn’t matter. I choose liberation everyday and I know because I am ready to share all my deepest, darkest pains with the world. Even if the world never has a true revolution, it’s okay. Depending on others for revolution is the same as depending on others for validation. Thinking about adopting my dog, becoming a nurse-midwife, buying a house on some land, and chilling in my truth has led me to experience such peace and happiness for the future.

With endless love,

Mariama Zahara


Break The Cycle